
Friday Mar 12, 2021
2021 February | Weekend Meditation Retreat (5/5) | Ajahn Hasapanna
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Ajahn Hasapanna conducts a weekend mediation retreat from 26-28th February 2021, at Jhana Grove Retreat Centre in Serpentine, Western Australia.
Track 5: Talk on Loving Kindness and Metta Meditation (28-02-2021)
See the full retreat on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Friday Mar 12, 2021
2021 February | Weekend Meditation Retreat (4/5) | Ajahn Hasapanna
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Ajahn Hasapanna conducts a weekend mediation retreat from 26-28th February 2021, at Jhana Grove Retreat Centre in Serpentine, Western Australia.
Track 4: Questions & Answers Session (28-02-2021)
See the full retreat on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Friday Mar 12, 2021
2021 February | Weekend Meditation Retreat (3/5) | Ajahn Hasapanna
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Ajahn Hasapanna conducts a weekend mediation retreat from 26-28th February 2021, at Jhana Grove Retreat Centre in Serpentine, Western Australia.
Track 3: Metta Sutta Chanting and Questions & Answers Session (Saturday evening 27-02-2021)
See the full retreat on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Friday Mar 12, 2021
2021 February | Weekend Meditation Retreat (2/5) | Ajahn Hasapanna
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Ajahn Hasapanna conducts a weekend mediation retreat from 26-28th February 2021, at Jhana Grove Retreat Centre in Serpentine, Western Australia.
Track 2: Dhamma Talk: Overcoming the Negative Emotions of the Past and Fear of the Future (Saturday morning 27-02-2021)
See the full retreat on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Friday Mar 12, 2021
2021 February | Weekend Meditation Retreat (1/5) | Ajahn Hasapanna
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Ajahn Hasapanna conducts a weekend mediation retreat from 26-28th February 2021, at Jhana Grove Retreat Centre in Serpentine, Western Australia.
Track 1: Introduction Talk & Meditation. Introduction to Awareness of Body Sensation, Walking Meditation and Mindfulness of the Breath (Friday 26-02-2021)
See the full retreat on bswa.org here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Ajahn Hasapanna discusses sutta 7 from the Majjhima Nikaya: the Vatthupama Sutta, “The Simile of the Cloth”.
Read MN7 here on Sutta Central: https://suttacentral.net/search?query=MN7
“The many different kinds of impurities that defile the mind are compared to a dirty cloth. When the mind is clean we find joy, which leads to states of higher consciousness. Finally, the Buddha rejects the Brahmanical notion that purity comes from bathing in sacred rivers,” Sutta Central.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Ajahn Hasapanna discusses sutta 140 from the Majjhima Nikaya: Dhātuvibhaṅga Sutta, 'The Analysis or Exposition of the Elements.'
Read MN140 on Sutta Central here.
"While staying overnight in a potter’s workshop, the Buddha has a chance encounter with a monk who does not recognize him. They have a long and profound discussion based on the four elements. This is one of the most insightful and moving discourses in the canon," Sutta Central.
You can read suttas online at SuttaCentral and Access to Insight
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more precious Dhamma teachings, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the teaching you want and click on the audio to open it up on Podbean.

Friday Apr 10, 2020
MN128 Upakkilesa Sutta - Imperfections | Ajahn Hasapanna | 24 December 2017
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Venerable Hasapanna discusses the 128th sutta from Majjhima Nikaya: Upakkilesa Sutta, "Imperfections" or "Corruptions".
Click here to read MN128 on Sutta Central.
"A second discourse set at the quarrel of Kosambi, this depicts the Buddha, having failed to achieve reconciliation between the disputing mendicants, leaving the monastery. He spends time in the wilderness before encountering an inspiring community of practicing monks. There he discusses in detail obstacles to meditation that he encountered before awakening," Sutta Central.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
2020 February (1/5) | Weekend Retreat | Ajahn Hasapanna
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Hasapanna at Jhana Grove Retreat Centre in Serpentine, Western Australia, from the 28th February to 1st March 2020.
Track 1: Introduction How to be in the present moment
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
Find the full retreat on https://bswa.org/teaching/2020-february-we…-ajahn-hasapanna/
To find and download more Retreats on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the retreat you want and then type the year and month into the DeeperDhamma search box e.g. 2019 November.

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
2020 February (2/5) | Weekend Retreat | Ajahn Hasapanna
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Hasapanna at Jhana Grove Retreat Centre in Serpentine, Western Australia, from the 28th February to 1st March 2020.
Track 2: Developing qualities that will deepen your meditation
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
Find the full retreat on https://bswa.org/teaching/2020-february-we…-ajahn-hasapanna/
To find and download more Retreats on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the retreat you want and then type the year and month into the DeeperDhamma search box e.g. 2019 November

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
2020 February (3/5) | Weekend Retreat | Ajahn Hasapanna
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Hasapanna at Jhana Grove Retreat Centre in Serpentine, Western Australia, from the 28th February to 1st March 2020.
Track 3: Chanting followed by Q & A
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
Find the full retreat on https://bswa.org/teaching/2020-february-we…-ajahn-hasapanna/
To find and download more Retreats on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the retreat you want and then type the year and month into the DeeperDhamma search box e.g. 2019 November

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
2020 February (4/5) | Weekend Retreat | Ajahn Hasapanna
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Hasapanna at Jhana Grove Retreat Centre in Serpentine, Western Australia, from the 28th February to 1st March 2020.
Track 4: The Buddha’s teaching on non self Q & A
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
Find the full retreat on https://bswa.org/teaching/2020-february-we…-ajahn-hasapanna/
To find and download more Retreats on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the retreat you want and then type the year and month into the DeeperDhamma search box e.g. 2019 November

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
2020 February (5/5) | Weekend Retreat | Ajahn Hasapanna
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Weekend Retreat with Ajahn Hasapanna at Jhana Grove Retreat Centre in Serpentine, Western Australia, from the 28th February to 1st March 2020.
Track 5: Guided Loving Kindness Meditation
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
Find the full retreat on https://bswa.org/teaching/2020-february-we…-ajahn-hasapanna/
To find and download more Retreats on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the retreat you want and then type the year and month into the DeeperDhamma search box e.g. 2019 November

Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Venerable Hasapanna discusses sutta 87 from the Majjhima Nikaya: Piyajatika Sutta, “Born from Those Who Are Dear” or “Born From the Beloved.”
Click here to read MN87 on Sutta Central.
“A rare glimpse into the marital life of King Pasenadi, and how he is led to the Dhamma by his Queen, the incomparable Mallikā. She confirms the Buddha’s teaching that our loved ones bring us sorrow; but that’s not something a husband, father, and king wants to hear,” Sutta Central.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Ajahn Hasapanna discusses from MN29 Mahasaropama Sutta, "the Shorter Simile of the Heartwood".
Read MN29 on Sutta Central here.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.

Monday Oct 14, 2019
MN4 Bhayabherava Sutta- Fear and Dread | Venerable Hasapanna | 26-06-2016
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Venerable Hasapanna discusses the fourth sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya: the Bhayabherava Sutta, "Fear and Dread".
Read MN4 here on Sutta Central.
"The Buddha explains the difficulties of living in the wilderness, and how they are overcome by purity of conduct and meditation. He recounts some of the fears and obstacles he faced during his own practice," Sutta Central.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.
You can read suttas online at SuttaCentral or Access to Insight

Saturday Sep 14, 2019
AN8.29 Akkhana Sutta - Lost Opportunities | Venerable Hasapanna | 09-06-2013
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Venerable Hasapanna discusses from sutta 8.29 from the Anguttara Nikaya (Chapter of the Eights): Akkhaṇa Sutta, Lost Opportunities.
Read AN8.29 here on Sutta Central.
"Eight lost opportunities for spiritual practice," Sutta Central.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.
You can read suttas online at SuttaCentral or Access to Insight

Friday Aug 30, 2019
MN2 Sabbasava Sutta - All The Taints | Venerable Hasapanna | 27 March 2016
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Venerable Hasapanna discusses sutta 2 from the Majjhima Nikaya: Sabbasava Sutta, "All The Taints" or "All the Defilements."
Click here to read MN2 on Sutta Central.
"The diverse problems of the spiritual journey demand a diverse range of responses. Rather than applying the same solution to every problem, the Buddha outlines seven methods of dealing with defilements, each of which works in certain cases," Sutta Central.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.
You can read suttas online at SuttaCentral or Access to Insight

Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Venerable Hasapanna discusses sutta 35.241 from the Samyutta Nikaya: Pathamadarukkhandhopama Sutta -The Simile of the Great Log.
Click here to read SN35.241 on Sutta Central.
"The Buddha gives a parable of a large log floating downstream, which, if it steers clear of the many obstacles, will eventually reach the ocean. A mendicant asks for an explanation, and the Buddha clarifies each item. A cowherd named Nanda was listening, and determined to go forth", Sutta Central.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free via Patreon.

Saturday Jul 13, 2019
MN19 Dvedhāvitakka Sutta - Two Kinds of Thought | Venerable Hasapanna | 28-06-2015
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Venerable Hasapanna discusses sutta 19 from the Majjhima Nikaya; Dvedhāvitakka Sutta, "Two Kinds of Thought".
Read MN19 on Sutta Central here.
"Recounting his own experiences in developing meditation, the Buddha explains how to understand harmful and harmless thoughts, and how to go beyond thought altogether" Sutta Central.
You can read suttas online at SuttaCentral or Access to InsightTo find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.