
Friday Apr 24, 2020
SN12.23 Upanisa Sutta - Proximate Cause | Venerable Ekagatta | 26-12-2010
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Venerable Ekagatta discusses sutta 12.23 from the Samyutta Nikaya: Upanisa Sutta - Proximate Cause.
Read SN12.23 here on Sutta Central.
"The ending of defilements comes only when the truth is seen. But seeing the truth comes about due to a vital condition. In this way, twelve factors leading to freedom are united with the twelve factors leading to suffering", Sutta Central.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then click on the title to open it up in DeeperDhamma for downloading.

Friday Jan 10, 2020
SN12.12 Moliyaphagguna Sutta | Ajahn Ekaggata | 10 April 2016
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Ajahn Ekaggata discusses sutta 12.12 from the Samyutta Nikaya: Moliyaphagguna Sutta. This is page 541 in 'The Connected Discourses of the Buddha', by Bhikkhu Bodhi.
"Venerable Moḷiyaphagguna asks who eats the consciousness food. The Buddha says the question is improper, as it assumes a self as agent. Rather, all the factors of dependent origination are simply natural conditions and have nothing to do with a “self”," Sutta Central.
Click here to read SN12.12 on Sutta Central.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.
You can read suttas online at SuttaCentral or Access to Insight

Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Venerable Ekagatta discusses 82nd sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya: Ratthapala Sutta, "To Ratthapala".
"A wealthy young man, Raṭṭhapala, has a strong aspiration to go forth, but has to prevail against the reluctance of his parents. Even after he became a monk, his parents tried to persuade him to disrobe. The discourse ends with a moving series of teachings on the fragility of the world." Sutta Central.
Read MN 82 here on Sutta Central
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.

Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
MN82 Ratthapala Sutta (To Ratthapala) | Venerable Ekagatta | 12 December 2010
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Venerable Ekagatta discusses 82nd sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya: Ratthapala Sutta, "To Ratthapala".
"A wealthy young man, Raṭṭhapala, has a strong aspiration to go forth, but has to prevail against the reluctance of his parents. Even after he became a monk, his parents tried to persuade him to disrobe. The discourse ends with a moving series of teachings on the fragility of the world." Sutta Central.
Read MN 82 here on Sutta Central
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.

Tuesday May 29, 2018
SN12.23 Upanisa Sutta - Proximate Cause | Venerable Ekagatta | 26-12-2010
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Venerable Ekagatta discusses sutta 12.23 from the Samyutta Nikaya: Upanisa Sutta - Proximate Cause. Read SN12.23 here on Sutta Central.
"The ending of defilements comes only when the truth is seen. But seeing the truth comes about due to a vital condition. In this way, twelve factors leading to freedom are united with the twelve factors leading to suffering", Sutta Central.
Please support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Patreon.
To find and download more Sutta Classes on DeeperDhamma, visit the BSWA teachings page: https://bswa.org/teachings/, choose the sutta you want, then type the sutta title into the DeeperDhamma search box.